Tech & Gadgets

United Kingdom Loves HD DVD Over Bluray

I must admit I actually cheered scaring my friend who is over enjoying the delights of my Xbox 360 when I read this news. Maybe it is the fanboy in me trying to escape into the open world, but I really want HD DVD to dominate. This may simply be down to the fact I am getting the add on drive for my Xbox 360 and doubt I will be investing (and what a large investment!) in the PlayStation 3, so Bluray is out.

HD DVD supporters can take some comfort out of the following news from HDTV UK, although remember it is still very early days. I am still upset that Ice Age 2 is out on Bluray only grrrrr:

An online retailer taking pre-orders for high definition disc players and content has claimed that UK consumers are spending more on HD DVD than they are on Blu-ray. says that pre-orders made on its website favour HD DVD over Blu-ray by 2 to 1, whilst content leads by 3 to 1. is offering the Toshiba HD-E1 HD DVD player at ยฃ450 and the Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-ray player at ยฃ950 (ยฃ50 below list price).

We will still have to see how the PS3 will increase sales for Bluray movies and for us Europeans (Sony seem to think we don’t mind waiting don’t forget!) we will have to wait until at least March next year for the results of this impact. Maybe the HD DVD drive coming out in Europe for the Xbox 360 may hinder Bluray here as well as this is released fairly soon as well?

Link: Brits may spend more on HD DVD than Blu-ray

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James Woodcock

James is a Freelance Journalist, Copywriter, Author, Blogger & Podcaster specialising in gaming, gadgets and technology, both retro and modern. Ever since he experienced the first controllable pixel movement on the television screen, he has been entranced by the possibilities and rewarding entertainment value generated from these metal and plastic boxes of delight. Writing hundreds of articles, including commentary and reviews on various gaming platforms, whilst also interviewing well-known industry figures for popular online publications. Creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project and host of the Game & Gadget Podcast. View his portfolio here: James Woodcock's Portfolio.

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2 thoughts on “United Kingdom Loves HD DVD Over Bluray

  • It’s still a toss up on the format war. With the game consoles, the line has been drawn, but with HD DVD players, the real winner may be the one that can play both formats.

  • At a recent press event (Stockley Park, London), Sharp announced that their Blu-Ray player is not yet ready for the market and will be undergoing modifications before release (date and price to be confirmed). The eagerly awaited player looked great in pre-production format and offered plenty of connectivity options.


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