On January 2nd, 2006 www.jameswoodcock.co.uk was born. Primarily a way for me to share my thoughts, it made sense to just use my real name and it was as much about me as it was to talk about gaming, gadgets and technology. Later it became a platform to share my freelance journalism work and to keep a permanent record of it all, as it is amazing how over the years , the content I wrote would otherwise be lost due to those sites closing.
Today though marks a transition. I feel when you visit the site for the first time it is hard to identify with an individual without reading more than one article and to help encourage a loyalty to a website rather than an indvidual – it needed to be a little more neutral. So Pixel Refresh has been born, a brand new URL of www.pixelrefresh.com and a new site name, but keeping the same logo of course.
‘Pixel’ which gives a hint of technology, gaming and retro nostalgia and ‘Refresh’ as it is a website name refresh – while also hinting at articles where I look back at older technologies from a modern angle ie: a fresh perspective. It is also a silly nod to me, where on OLED screens you have to run a Pixel Refresh to help with some of the picture quality issues that can arise from time to time. This is a story for another day…
Changing a site identity won’t happen over night and there are still areas I need to tweak, but you will notice already changes to some of the colours, fonts and more if you have a little flick around the site.
If you are a regular visitor, except for the branding changes the content is all the same and I will keep writing new content whenever time permits. If you have used the store, all your accounts remain so you can log in as normal and your downloads remain accessible – just notification emails will come from Pixel Refresh branding in future.
I will keep my personal twitter account @jameswoodcock – however, I have also created a new one too that will just cover the site posts etc, which you can follow @pixel_refresh.
As always, thank you for your support and if you spot any issues, please use the contact form and let me know.
All the best