I have been considering for quite some time whether to have a discussion forum on my personal website and how active it would be. Well today I have installed bbPress, which integrates with WordPress nicely.
This is for a trial period to see how it is used and whether I need to use a different forum system instead like SMF, but we will see how it goes.
Although any comments about my reviews, posts, podcasts I prefer on the actual blog itself, the forum should provide a more general discussion area and in particular for my ScummVM Music Enhancement Project.
Any feedback and support is appreciated…
[UPDATE: Decided to use SMF instead]
Link: James Woodcock Forum
Thanks for trying out bbPress!
Out of curiosity, what made you decide to use SMF instead?
I have used SMF for literally years, so feel more comfortable with the features and what I can do with it.
How did you integrate or wrap the WordPress theme around your SMF forum?
I created a header and footer file that would be used for SMF by stripping out any WordPress php functions from the originals. I also had to create a stylesheet stripped down just for the forum from the original WordPress theme.
Finally I inserted the calls in the index.template for the header and footer.
I hope that makes sense, if not send us an email and we can work through it together.