I may be 27, but some hobbies should never disappear into the abyss. When I was just a small lad, of course like many children my age, ’00’ Gauge model steam trains were a very satisfying fascination and were no doubt the ultimate gadget of the time. For me it was always the motion of the wheels that had me hooked.
Recently I went to Wales for a 5 day break in a lodge. It rained most of the time which was unfortunate, however I did come across a sweet little shop that featured (among other things) model trains and accessories.
Sat there sitting was a box including the Flying Scotsman, coaches, track, power supply and other bits and bobs and for a brief moment I flirted with the idea that maybe I could spark an old interest. All my other hobbies seem to be heavily geared towards technology and even my Yamaha Tyros2 keyboard has a myriad of buttons, lights and LCD screen. It was time for something a little different.
So here it is… The Flying Scotsman and an assortment of some of my very very old trains (which need some serious tender loving care and restoration). Now I can start constructing and painting the associated buildings and landscapes and it is this part of the hobby I am really looking forward to. Just me, a brush, a few small pots of paint, tube of glue and away I go.
Future trains I plan to acquire include The Hogwarts Express (Harry Potter of course!), Mallard and I didn’t realise until recently a train called the ‘Woodcock’, which is the same class as the Mallard!
You will notice the last train in the video (The Princess Royal) even emits smoke still! This layout is incredibly basic as it was just laid out to test my older trains, but you get the idea.
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I still have my model trains from my younger days, they were passed down from my grandfather. I’ve got a very old Flying Scotsman thats all metal. Good to see these hobbies arent dying out.
Pleased to see the Flying Scotsman running so well. I bet it’s not the nasty “tender driven” variety that Hornby were marketing a few years ago! Those were rubbish in their electrical connections and must have put a lot of people off the hobby.
I don’t believe it is, but either way as you say its running great :)
I have a Flying Scotsman by Bassett Lowke 35 inches long all metal,copper boiler, gunmetal valve gear etc. Found an old 1927 catalogue which said it was 72 pounds 10 shillings!!!!. How much do they fetch these days as it is apparently all hand made. Cant find another anywhere to compare. Any Help. Regards Chris