After completing Kameo and enjoying every little second of it, I went back on yesterday to see what achievements I still had to unlock. Just exploring around the game is superb with the amount of details and that otherwise long lost magic games have been missing in my opinion since the classic point and click games like Broken Sword, Monkey Island, Simon the Sorcerer etc which Kameo has in the bucket loads.
Just exploring this game is just out of this world when you look at all the effort that must have been made to make such a great title. I would have to say that it is my favourite game for the Xbox 360 at launch.
i must admit, i was not too keen on the game at the start, but i had some spare cash and decided to give it a go, and what a game indeed. So colourful and as James says, so much to explore.
i do rate this game as a must get
Well there is one person I have convinced at least :)