One of the best features of iOS 7 is the ability to have your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch automatically update any apps that release new features, design changes or simply fixes a few bugs. This is not enabled by default, so you will need to manually turn on this feature to take advantage of background updating.

If you however you don’t wish for your apps to update automatically without your knowledge or you are maybe concerned that an update may itself be buggy and cause problems – this feature isn’t for you.

iOS 7 App Automatic Updates
iOS 7 App Automatic Updates

You can view any recent automatically updated apps or any pending updates by visiting the ‘App Store’ app and selecting ‘Updates’.

1. Open the Settings app

Settings App icon

To turn on (or indeed off) automatic app updates, first open the ‘Settings’ app on your device.

iTunes & App Store category
iTunes & App Store category

2. Select iTunes & App Store

Within the menu, locate and select the ‘iTunes & App Store’ category.

Updates turned on

3. Toggle Updates on or off

To enable the automatic app updates feature, toggle the ‘Updates’ option to show a green icon to indicate it is switched on. If you wish to turn off this feature, simply select this option until there is no green icon to indicate it is switched off.

If your device supports 3G, 4G or other mobile data offerings – you may wish to ensure that ‘Use Cellular Data’ is switched off, unless you have a data plan with your device that is either unlimited or includes a very high amount of megabytes per month.

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James Woodcock

James is a Freelance Journalist, Copywriter, Author, Blogger & Podcaster specialising in gaming, gadgets and technology, both retro and modern. Ever since he experienced the first controllable pixel movement on the television screen, he has been entranced by the possibilities and rewarding entertainment value generated from these metal and plastic boxes of delight. Writing hundreds of articles, including commentary and reviews on various gaming platforms, whilst also interviewing well-known industry figures for popular online publications. Creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project and host of the Game & Gadget Podcast. View his portfolio here: James Woodcock's Portfolio.

James Woodcock has 1098 posts and counting. See all posts by James Woodcock

2 thoughts on “How To #3 – How Do I Automatically Update Apps on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

  • Can you set it to update at a certain time, such as overnight?

    • Hi Amanda

      Unfortunately not, you can only currently control the update time if you trigger updates manually at that given time.


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