Sony PlayStation 3 ConsoleYes I know, I can hardly believe it myself! I suppose with HD DVD going the way of the Dodo, many gamers like myself will be considering the same options. Should I get a possible Blu-ray add on drive for the Xbox 360 or should I just purchase a PlayStation 3 console and have the best of both next generation worlds.

Many will know that I have not been overly enthused with desires for the PlayStation 3. It has certainly had a rocky start to its life, but at least a sign of better times is well on the way. Price drops, a few must have gaming titles and Blu-ray playback have all factored in my decision to bite the bullet and give in to the dark side… Sony.

I am a little disappointed that there is no PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility in the 40GB model, but when you consider the cheaper price, your wallet certainly looks a lot healthier. I decided to purchase a bundle from HMV, which included the 40GB console, HDMI cable, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Casino Royale and Spiderman 3 Blu-ray high definition movies all for ยฃ359.99. I also opted for the Blu-ray PS3 remote control.

So having received my PlayStation 3 console, someone I know called Cat followed my unpacking on Skype creating a step by step account of this process with me totally unaware:

James and his PS3 day 1

10 minutes – The PS3 needs to be updated. James complains about the lack of an automatic update.
20 minutes – James has forgotten his password. This turns out to be a recurring occurrence over the next hours.
22 minutes – James hits the send/receive button on his emails every two seconds waiting for the email with the pass word reminder.
30 minutes – James realises he doesn’t have the passkey for his bluetooth headset and thus can’t register it.
33 minutes – no email yet.
35 minutes – James is disappointed with the rubbish visualisations.
37 minutes – Still no email. James is annoyed with jokes about people who forget their passwords.
40 minutes – James realises he can register a printer. What can you do with a printer?!
43 minutes – NO EMAIL YET.
46 minutes – James sets up his PSP to connect to his PS3. ‘Connection failed’
47 minutes – No email yet.

I did get there in the end. I remembered my password, the PSP connected and I can stream video from my PS3 directly to my Sony portable and the Bluetooth key I guessed after several attempts.

Lemmings PlayStation 3 (PS3)Before I go though, just a little word about Lemmings on the PS3. Yep, Lemmings has captured my attention yet again and already those little green haired chappies have been screaming out at me as I let them to drop off the edge of the map. I can be cruel!

The graphics are super dooper in high definition and it is so nice to play a classic game, enhanced so lovingly in this way. My next PS3 blog entry will list my likes and dislikes of the console. I have quite a few dislikes already I am afraid, however all in all I am very happy with my purchase. Let the good times roll.

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James Woodcock

James is a Freelance Journalist, Copywriter, Author, Blogger & Podcaster specialising in gaming, gadgets and technology, both retro and modern. Ever since he experienced the first controllable pixel movement on the television screen, he has been entranced by the possibilities and rewarding entertainment value generated from these metal and plastic boxes of delight. Writing hundreds of articles, including commentary and reviews on various gaming platforms, whilst also interviewing well-known industry figures for popular online publications. Creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project and host of the Game & Gadget Podcast. View his portfolio here: James Woodcock's Portfolio.

James Woodcock has 1100 posts and counting. See all posts by James Woodcock

3 thoughts on “Can You Believe It? I Now Own the Sony PlayStation 3 Console

  • Well, to be fair that was only about a third of your conmplaints!

    It’s amusing how many jokes there are about passwords!

  • I have considered getting one as well, but would only do it after selling my 360… . No monthly fees sure is a plus. But most of all, the shiney black would match my Samsung TV!!


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