Revolution Software have announced that Broken Sword Shadow of the Templars: Director’s Cut is now available on Google Play.

Broken Sword is without doubt one of my favourite classic point and click adventure games, which has been available on iOS devices for quite some time now. I reviewed the iPhone & iPod Touch version of Broken Sword: Director’s Cut back in January 2010:

If you want a thrilling murder mystery, wonderful story, imaginative surroundings, hilarious moments and immersive characters, you are in the right place for an experience that is hard to beat. Although I use the term โ€˜classicโ€™ a fair bit when referring to older games, Broken Sword is the pinnacle of this greatness.
James Woodcock

Revolution have mentioned on their Facebook page:

An enhanced version of the iPhone classic, which itself earned an average Metacritic review score of 91% and achieved 5 million downloads in 2011, Broken Sword: The Directorโ€™s Cut on Android is the most polished version to date, boasting its highest resolution visuals on phone or tablet. The game includes many unique features including a digital version of โ€˜Watchmanโ€™ co-creator Dave Gibbonsโ€™s collectorโ€™s comic, detailing the events which lead up to the explosive first scene.
Revolution Software

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James Woodcock

James is a Freelance Journalist, Copywriter, Author, Blogger & Podcaster specialising in gaming, gadgets and technology, both retro and modern. Ever since he experienced the first controllable pixel movement on the television screen, he has been entranced by the possibilities and rewarding entertainment value generated from these metal and plastic boxes of delight. Writing hundreds of articles, including commentary and reviews on various gaming platforms, whilst also interviewing well-known industry figures for popular online publications. Creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project and host of the Game & Gadget Podcast. View his portfolio here: James Woodcock's Portfolio.

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