GamingXbox 360

Adding People to your Xbox 360 Friends List

xboxcom.jpgAs you can see from my Xbox 360 Gamercard on the right hand side of this site, my Gamertag is GlideManiac. Since I started my blogsite, I have had quite a few friends requests, which is fine of course, but there is one thing they forget to do 90% of the time!

It is very helpful if people wanting to add me to their friends list include a voice or text message saying who they are, where they met me/found my details and a little about themselves. That way I can know instantly why I have received an invite off a particular person. Any without such messages just get deleted I am afraid.

The friends list is a great way of keeping track of your buddies online and a room full of friends gaming is far more satisfying than a room full of strangers, especially when the game requires team tactics and constant communication.

Another thing I find odd is people adding me when they have been in a game I host, but have not spoken to me once! I am not going to add anyone who has sat there during the game sessions without muttering anything in a room. 90% of the reason I accept or add people to my list is if they come over friendly and make for a good conversation, not by their gaming abilities.

For male gamers trying to invite female gamers, don’t add them to your list just because they are female, at least try to get into a conversation with them first otherwise you can almost guarantee they will decline your invitation.

So there you have it, to follow good etiquette when adding me or indeed anyone else is to include an introduction, which is a great way to improve your chances of adding a new friend successfully!

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James Woodcock

James is a Freelance Journalist, Copywriter, Author, Blogger & Podcaster specialising in gaming, gadgets and technology, both retro and modern. Ever since he experienced the first controllable pixel movement on the television screen, he has been entranced by the possibilities and rewarding entertainment value generated from these metal and plastic boxes of delight. Writing hundreds of articles, including commentary and reviews on various gaming platforms, whilst also interviewing well-known industry figures for popular online publications. Creator of the ScummVM Music Enhancement Project and host of the Game & Gadget Podcast. View his portfolio here: James Woodcock's Portfolio.

James Woodcock has 1100 posts and counting. See all posts by James Woodcock

18 thoughts on “Adding People to your Xbox 360 Friends List

  • I was an infrequent user of and I’m on the design team for Simple Machines :)

    I say infrequent for because I didn’t used to have much time to spend on the web with work and such. :(

  • I think the people who add you after a game may simply do so because you were a good host with a decent connection for them- they possibly added you so they could hook up on your server next time you and they were online.

    I do understand your gripe though.. its odd and perhaps a little creepy that people will randomly send FR.

  • I know what you mean about mystery imvites, i’ve had a few from people I haven’t even played!

  • Yeah me too all because they want to get in my knickers!!
    Thats what glide did to me he only added me because i’m a woman, so I dont know what he’s going on about!!

    You know I love you xx
    Number 1’s for life xx

  • All I have to say there is……. :o:o:o:o:o

    I am glad you finished with the fact you love me though :)

    So moving on…. :”>

    In my defence though, I did have a loooooooong conversation with you first before asking to be your friend. :P

  • you two wanna be left alone:-“

  • This is a great looking site James…first time here and will be sure to bookmark to my fav’s.
    My name is Steve and im from Toronto Canada.:)>-

  • i still dont understand how to add a friend :(

    • Go to your Xbox 360 console, press the 'Guide' button on the controller (Xbox logo in the center) and select the friends list. There will be an option to add a friend there.

  • my Gamertag is TenthHornet13


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